The Chiemgau and the 20th Chinese Stratagem
Author: Peter Schnoor | Reading time: 6 minutes

Challenges in the Chiemgau and Southeast Bavaria
The Chiemgau, particularly the Traunstein district, but generally the entire Southeast Bavaria region, is one of the wealthiest regions in Germany. We are not only blessed with beautiful nature, which provides us with a strong tourism sector. The region also has many small and larger companies that have been growing for generations - as well as young companies that produce the latest innovations at a global level. All of this makes the Chiemgau an attractive place for businesses and their employees.
And yet, in conversations with entrepreneurs and among friends, there is an increasing feeling that we have already passed our peak. Wars in our neighborhood and the sense of powerlessness that comes with it. Climate alarmism and concrete weather disasters everywhere. The cost of living is rising ever higher, as are labor costs, insurance, and taxes... only wages are stagnating. Companies are being crushed by ever-new waves of bureaucracy and EU regulations. On top of that, there is the transformation of the economy, driven by politics or new technologies like artificial intelligence, which make old business models and solutions unprofitable. All of this has an impact on society and on people. Entrepreneurs are not immune to such gloomy thoughts either.
The 20th Stratagem: 混 水 摸 魚 ("Hun Shui Mo Yu")
In Chinese culture and society, a collection of 36 "stratagems" has become deeply rooted. These stratagems, or "lists," are short phrases that are backed by numerous anecdotes and long-held wisdom. They are meant to open up possible courses of action for people in crisis situations to still reach a desired goal. Most people in the West are unfamiliar with these stratagems, and some of the ruses may even seem directly unethical to Western ears. However, there is still much to learn from many of them - if only to be able to defend against them. For those who want to delve deeper into the Chinese stratagems, I recommend the book by Harro von Senger: "The Book of Stratagems - Tactics for Triumph and Survival."
However, I would like to focus a bit more on Stratagem number 20, as I believe it has much to say to us currently. It is called 混 水 摸 魚 ("Hun Shui Mo Yu" - "Catch Fish in Troubled Waters"), or translated into understandable English: "Fishing in Troubled Waters." The idea behind the stratagem is that it can be worthwhile to cast a line in chaos and opaque situations. Because fish often bite when the water is murky. The Chinese even go so far as to use the murkiness of the water, that is, the deliberate creation of chaos, to their advantage. This last interpretation of the stratagem is often used by politicians who want to catch disoriented voters behind a fog of trivial statements. I personally consider this application of the stratagem to be shortsighted, dangerous, and inauthentic in most situations.
But the first interpretation is, I am convinced, correct and important, especially for entrepreneurs, also (but not only) in the Chiemgau. Chaos is not necessarily a disadvantage. Those who manage to use chaos to their advantage can also survive difficult economic times.
Using Chaos to Your Advantage
How can one use chaos to their advantage? The first insight is that chaos usually does not last forever. During the Covid pandemic, for example, there were two opposing reactions in the Bavarian hospitality and gastronomy sectors, which were particularly affected by the virus. Some scaled back their operations, essentially conserving themselves for better times. Others used the time to invest, for instance in their website, search engine optimization, social media, and marketing. They built a strong brand while they had the time to do so. And they are benefiting from it today.
A second way to leverage chaos is to take the opportunity to look beyond the horizon and perhaps explore new business areas. Much that was previously perceived as a threat could then become a significant opportunity. An example of this is artificial intelligence. It will disrupt work and business life like few technologies have before. The first effects are already visible. But viewed optimistically, AI also offers many unforeseen opportunities and possibilities, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises, of which we have so many in the Chiemgau.
A third way to fish in chaos is through building strong networks. In a community of like-minded and well-meaning individuals, one is significantly safer and better anchored than without such a network. Local initiatives play a role here, as does clear communication with customers and involving employees in internal processes. How often do we see that the problems of a company are already clear to all employees, but management only learns about them when it is too late?
And fourth, chaos is not just chaos. In chaos, those who succeed in the long term will be the ones who can distinguish between information and noise. Those who maintain a clear head even in vague situations because they apply heuristics (rules of thumb) that are timeless and well-founded. Here, a solid historical education and a clear moral compass play a significant role.
The Value of an Internet Agency
In all four areas—sustainable investment in a strong brand, exploring new business fields, building strong networks, and distinguishing between information and noise—we would be happy to be your sparring partner! Our clients, mostly entrepreneurs themselves, greatly appreciate exchanging ideas in an open brainstorming session and clarifying important questions regarding the internet and new technologies, as well as dispelling uncertainties.
And not infrequently, concrete ideas emerge from these discussions on how to advance one's own business. Not despite the currently unclear global situation—but precisely because of it! Only in this way can one preserve what has proven effective while simultaneously breaking free from old and entrenched habits and ways of thinking that can quickly take hold in companies.
Don't bury your head in the sand because of the uncertainty around you! Instead, seize the opportunities that lie within it and fish in troubled waters! This way, you will still catch plenty of fish tomorrow.
Shall we go fishing?
Leverage our expertise to your advantage and let's find out together in a conversation where there might be an opportunity for you in the current uncertainty.