Finding new employees successfully
- Building coherent employer branding
- Developing sustainable strategies
- Platform-optimised communication
The current labour market is undergoing a profound transformation that is affecting various industries in a variety of ways. The confluence of several factors, from the increased retirement of baby boomers to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the professional landscape, has led to a significant shift. Companies are faced with the challenge of adapting to these changes and developing effective recruitment strategies. But how can a successful HR marketing approach be designed in this changing environment?

Mistakes Companies Make When Looking for Employees
The image and culture of a company play a decisive role in the attraction and bonding of talents. Companies that do not communicate a clear corporate culture and figure or have a bad image can deter potential talents. Strong employer branding, on the other hand, can increase the interest of qualified applicants and improve employee retention.
Relying only on traditional recruitment methods can limit access to a wide talent pool. The use of various recruitment channels and the integration of digital platforms can increase the diversity of applicants and enable a wider range of talents.
A precise and comprehensive job description is the key to successful recruitment. Unclear requirements or imprecise responsibilities in the description can lead to misunderstandings between employer and applicant. This can make it difficult to select the right candidate and lead to miscalculations on the part of the applicants regarding the role in the company.
Long, complicated application and selection procedures can deter talented applicants and lead to delays in recruitment. Professional, timely and transparent communication during the selection process is crucial to engage applicants and maintain their interest.
Rigid selection criteria that are not adapted to changing business needs could lead to companies overlooking potential talents that do not correspond to the traditional profile but could contribute valuable skills and ideas. In addition, the peculiarities of the generations “X,Y, Z” are nowadays strongly pointed out, as soon as they talk about recruiting. Of course, it is important to target target groups. But on the one hand, a one-sided focus on young employees may not be effective at all. On the other hand, it is often forgotten what unite all target groups: the desire for a meaningful job with appropriate payment for an employer who is as sympathetic and competent as his job advertisements represent it.
Inadequate integration program for new employees can lead to a longer training period and lower employee retention. Well-shaped onboarding not only increases the productivity of the new employees, but also contributes to the creation of a positive working environment and promotes employee retention in the long term.
Your Own Brand as the Basis for Successful HR Marketing
The key to effective employee recruitment lies in the clear definition and communication of the corporate brand. This involves defining the fundamental values of a company, working out its unique selling point and realigning itself 100% to the needs of potential applicants.
A clear brand identity enables companies to position themselves as attractive employers and to target employees who identify with the company's values. This brand should be communicated consistently in all public relations work, be it on the company website, in social media or in job adverts.
Learn more about brand development.Our Role as an Internet Agency
As an internet agency, we understand the importance of a strong online presence for companies in today's world. We can help you find qualified employees in a variety of ways:
- ...with the clear definition of an authentic brand.
- ...with the orientation of the design and content of the website according to the brand.
- ...with the creation of relevant and suitable content on website & social media.
- the formulation of professional job advertisements.
- ...for placing the job advertisements on relevant platforms.
Another pair of experienced eyes often helps to identify bottlenecks and optimise applicant management.
With these and other measures, we help to increase the visibility and attractiveness of our clients as employers and increase the chances of success in the search for qualified employees.
"We need to pool all our strengths so that the shortage of skilled labour does not become a brake on growth."
Bavaria's Minister of Economic Affairs Hubert Aiwanger, Source: Press release of the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy, 10 November 2023 [German]
Recruitment Platforms
Choosing the right platforms to find employees is a crucial step in personnel marketing. The multitude of job exchanges and online platforms opens up numerous opportunities for companies to make their vacancies accessible to a wide audience. It is important to select platforms that suit the target group and can effectively convey the company's message.
A targeted presence on specific platforms enables companies to approach potential applicants who best match the company's requirements and culture. Experience is required here to avoid additional work and costs. We are happy to help you with the strategic selection of suitable job boards and platforms.
We bring together what fits together
Finding good employees is not easy and we can't do magic either. But we have proven and successful approaches to help you in your search.
We look forward to working with you to find out what can specifically help you.